Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Fundraising event - 25th May Raising Awareness of Young People and Mental Health Issues

Fundraising event

The Landlord and Landlady of the Bonclyff pub in Cwmaman, Joe Passmore and
Pamela Connelly, are organising a fundraising event on Saturday May 25th 2013 in
memory of two young people who died tragically last year.

The fundraising event will involve a walk led by Jayne Evans and Karen Ellis, the
mother’s of the young people, Leah Evans and Rhys Ellis, for whom the walk is in honour of.

There will also be music, food, karaoke and many other fun activities from 11am onwards. The Patron of New Horizons, Boyd Clack will be making a guest appearance during the evening.
A great deal of effort has gone into organising this event and it is hoped the public will give this their every support.

Pam Connelly says “There are so many youngsters out there who think there is no one to turn to.  Both mothers and the many friends of the young people we are remembering want to show there are people out there who care for them.  So let us all give our support to the people who need it. Because the people at the Bonclyff really do care”.
The monies raised on the day will be donated to the local Cynon Valley charity New
Horizons which is based in Aberdare town centre. New Horizons manages a range of resource and outreach centres throughout Rhondda Cynon Taff for people experiencing mental health or emotional wellbeing issues, and projects the positive image of people suffering mental health problems through challenging discrimination by means of education, outreach work, information and support services.

The proceeds raised from this fundraising event in May will enable New Horizons to further develop their new Young Person’s Project on a long term basis (it is currently
being held every Thursday from 4-9pm at their Aberdare Resource Centre at 16 Dean Street).

Gill Malpas, Chair of New Horizons says “We want to thank Pam and Joe for organising this wonderful event.  It will help New Horizons support our Young Person’s Project and help us to promote the service to any young people between the ages of 18 and 25 who are experiencing mental health issues.

It is a fantastic example of community engagement with compassion”    

If you are a young person aged 18 – 25 suffering from mental health issues in RCT and would like support please get in contact on 01685 881113 New Horizons, 16 Dean Street, Aberdare CF44 7BN or visit our website at

If you are a youth organisation and are interested in working in partnership please contact the centre on 01685 881113 or download a referral from our website

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